Cotton embroidery thread on traditional “Aida” fabric, and framed individually, chair and table.

Cotton embroidery thread on traditional “Aida” fabric, and framed individually.

Close-up of hand-stitched framed words.

Cotton embroidery thread on traditional “Aida” fabric, and framed individually, chair and table.
After years of feminist and post-feminist discourse, we are still faced with a myriad of words that describe women in derogatory terms, which have become part of the vernacular. How Would Mary Feel? 2013, confronts the viewer with a wall of over 120 of these words in a warm cozy settling, indicative of someone's personal living space and asks each individual to consider the impact these words have in their lives.
What is it about the frames, repetition, words, and hand stitching of the artist that leads to a personal response from the viewer? By placing this wall of words, I want to emphasize that these words have become common place – and to help us all ask whether or not – and why – women continue to be marginalized and disrespected today.